lately, i've been thinking a lot of things...
unecessary one too..looks like i want to be better after all...
currently im the worst.. :(
so these are the things i want to do:
-i want to be a good muslim
-want to be a good son to mom n dad
-get all A for next sem, really want to..(fight oh!!)
-forget about girl..i mean something like gf..sorry..coz i think i had enough already..
-do everything correctly n nicely..shari dua ni dh jd bengom..
-n play games!! n sports too..xkisah laa pose ke x..ak nk men bola!!!!!
act i wrote this post coz im feeling so down...
that person should know better..
anyway, pray for me...\
this one i found in my fren prof..kinda intresting..
lets think of it together,,,boys?!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
my desires..
Thursday, August 27, 2009
minggu yg... ak pom xtaw nk ckp pe..
bru ak tau yg ak xleh idup tanpa pc ak n tenet...
Monday, August 17, 2009
紙車大会(paper car tournament)
a project that we ( mus a.k.a comel, aqili a.k.a dewa n me a.k.a wahid mantul)
started about 2 month ago...i guess...dun really remember when was it..
i chose the name IJOU BARIKI for our group name..why?
coz it mean extraordinary horsepower...i mean a fast car...
well, name just a name....
this is our run fast but a little prob with steering...
in that taikai, this car already beat its opponent in speed but
about just 2 metre to finishing line, it quickly turn to the left...haiya...
pe daaa..klo x.. ade chance nk mng...
nnt bleh masuk paper....
n tahniah ak ucapkan kpd ISS company sbb korg mng..
kena beli kosmo laa ari ni..kan korg kuar paper..hahaha
pe2 pon...ak berterina kasih lah kt aqili n mus...
sbb dorg plg byk wat keje...ak wat menda?
ade laa part2 ak....
sbnr nyer..ak mls nk tulis byk2 kt cni..
secar konklusi nye...
kami kuruma taikai wa, tottemo tanoshikatta...
watashitachi ureshikatta desu..hahaha
Friday, August 14, 2009
its OVER!! im RELIEVED!!
finally....its over....
its a good news... exam just passed by...
sape xhappy?
for the f1st time i really2 struggle for exam..
i dun sleep for 2 days...
forced myself to remember a lot of things... not me anymore... ni laa ktaorm tiap2 je
time spm pon xcamtuh.....
pe2 pon..ak risau laaa...
klo ade yg in big trouble....
xnk fail!!!!!
asl time shiken ni ak kuat mkn?
mkn mlm 2 kali
kul 2pg pon ak mkn ag...
maybe study kuat sgt...lapo laa...
pe2 pon...
ak syukur ak bleh ambk exam..
sbb ade kwn ak demam...
agak trok laa diaorg dmm...
pe2 pom...ak doakan korg cpt sembuh
n bleh ambk paper yg korg miss...
pe ag ye...
skrg ade msa smggu sementara tggu result kuar..
xtaw nk wat pe..
maybe ak stay kt umah abg ak kot...
saje lepak c2...
tgk laa dlu...
klo bleh...
ak nk pegi jln2 je..
xnk laa bgn lmbt...
bazir masa....haha..
k chow for now..
Thursday, August 6, 2009
between me and him ( a perfect partner)
this is about my best friend when i was in secondary school..
and i hope we still best friends...
he helped me alot for spm....
i dont know how to thank u..
the word 'thanks' juz nothing....
i still remember what were the diff when i was in form 4 and form 5...
a complete diff...
especially in academic aspect...
well.....i scored average but far lower than others...
then when i got in form 5...
i still in the same class as him....
but in a way....
i mastered physics form 5 syllabus..
i dont know how...its juz my will to improve...
bcoz of him....he's the one who always get attention...
from everyone....i kinda jealous but i think this can be a very good reason
for me to compete...
again, those feeling....a fired spirit to improve....
but...i managed to cover all what i had abandoned in form 4....
with his help....
i dont know y..but i wont hesitate to go to his house...
to learn and spend time talking...and eat something free too.. ;p
but that was how i improved academically....
a combination that had made a better side of me...
its true what had happen and will happen is bcoz of Allah...
but i juz want to say that we had worked hard together....
currently...i dun have the same feeling as b4...
i have no one be my the same time my best friend...
lately, i've been hoping that he again would be my partner...
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
ade keje rupanyer...
untuk smlm..
klas start kul 10...igt nk bgn lmbt..
tp ntah nape bgn awl sgt...
bgn2 je dh ngadap pc neh..
pe game....hahaha
pastu nek bas kul 9 kot...
igt ade klas fizik...
tp cuma sensei nk bg kertas je...
tp xpe...walaupun ak xbuat pe2 dlm msa sejam...
dgr lagu then tdo...
bgn2...bru ak tau yg technical report kna anta esk...
komfem cuak gler....
balik2 tros wat report tuh....bkn sng tau....
5pages....with research....
dh laa first time buat report cam gtu....
taihen p print n igt nk study...
tp xleh...
tetbe je blank...abs...korban je msa ak...
pastu member ak dtg ckp ade keje...
technical drawing.....
ni 1 ag kerje yg kena anta esk tp ak xsedar pom...
lyn jer....
mmg stress gler...dh laa tgh penim....
nseb baek ade dia.......ak call dia.....
borak2 sket....agak release tension laaa....
biasa aa...hehehe.....
skrg ak dh ade mood balik utk study...
maybe study nihongo....
then baru butsuri(fizik)...
tgk laa.....
pe2 pon....ak b'syukur yg ak jumpa dia 4 bln yg lps...
n ak ske sgt klo dpt luangkan msa ngan dia.... (^^)
Monday, August 3, 2009
pe ye....sbnrnye....nk cite pe yg ak buat weekend mggu lps...,
ak teruja gler nk p pcfair...
ajk kwn...dia xb'minat....
sowg laa jwbnyer,,,,xpe...sbb ak minat pc...ooyeah!!
pegi laa ak sndirian.....
bru je smpai klcc....
jln2 sket...dh...ak dh penat....pikir nk balik je tyme tuh...
bior laa pcfair neh...penat nk jln...
tp ak abiskan gak laa 1 round...
tu pon xpegi sume kdai....
then mlm ari yg sme...
abg ak ajak kuar....
n dia bwk kwn dia dr jepun...
ak xcited laaa...
bleh laa ckp2 ngan dia...walaupun bhs jepon ak trok...haha
nme mamat tuh takeshi....
lyn jee....
kitaorg bwk dia p mkn satay...
ade ke patut nk ambk pic kdai mkn..
dh laa duk tgh2 jln....abs kete hon kt dia...
dia wat xtaw je...
maybe igt org tgur dia la tuh...huhu...
boleh thn laa ak ckp ngan dia....
rupa2 nyer..ok gak bhs jepon ak...
not bad...hee~
ni pg td..
sptot nyer ktaorg xyah g klas...
revision week....duk umah bca buku..
tp ari ni kuiz kimia n klas kimia....lyn je..
tyme kuiz kimia....sensei mcm strict sgt...
xtaw laa nape....
dia ckp...
"sya ade tick sapa2 yg mniru...mrkh 0"
ak.....cuak gak....
sbb kuiz pntg ngat...
tp doa je laa...
insyaAllah xde pe2...
arap2 mrkh tggi...hehe...
then klas abs kul lg...
1st time klas abs awl...
p bndr laa....
g shopping sket....
ni pon bru blk....
ok....thats it....
next update ..5/8/09